Do you feel anxious before dental appointments? If so, you’re not alone, as numerous clinical studies have determined that up to 80% of American adults have some form of dental anxiety, ranging from mild to severe. In fact, dentists themselves can be prone to dental anxiety, as one study determined that almost 28% of dental students experienced dental fear before an appointment.
If your anxiety about dentists makes you avoid or cancel dental appointments, you may suffer from dental phobia, a condition included in the current Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Researchers believe that between 5-10% of the U.S. population is affected by this condition. Whether you’re mildly anxious or dental phobic, primary causes include:
- Previous negative dental experience
- Fear of pain, discomfort, needles, and/or drilling
- Gag reflex concerns
- Apprehension about receiving bad dental news
- Treatment costs
Marco Island dentists Dr. Jonathan Van Dyke and Dr. Ryan Whelen know that many of their Southwest Florida area patients experience apprehension and fear when they face dental work. They have also had patients who’ve compromised their oral health due to avoiding regular checkups and necessary dental procedures. To help patients overcome dental anxiety, Island Tower Dentistry offers them oral conscious sedation to help make them feel more relaxed and comfortable during checkups and procedures. For those who need a deeper level of relaxation, Island Tower Dentistry now offers moderate IV sedation, providing a more controlled and effective way to ease anxiety during dental treatments. This sedation method involves administering and regulating sedatives through an IV, allowing for more immediate and adjustable effects.
Drs. Van Dyke and Whelen offer patients two different levels of oral conscious sedation, depending on their anxiety levels, health profile, and type of scheduled procedure. With minimal sedation, patients are provided a mild sedative to take about an hour before their appointment. They may also be offered nitrous oxide gas during the procedure if needed. Patients remain awake but relaxed with minimal sedation, and the effects diminish rapidly, allowing patients to resume normal activities right after their appointment.
Moderate sedation involves more powerful pain-relieving sedatives that are often administered and regulated by IV injection. While patients remain conscious during moderate sedation, they may have trouble formulating words and will not recall much of the procedure when it’s over. Patients who undergo moderate sedation are advised to have a designated driver for their ride home, as the effects may take some time to wear off.
To further ensure the comfort of their patients, Drs. Van Dyke and Whelen also apply a local anesthetic to treatment areas requiring invasive work.
If you struggle with dental anxiety, ask your dentist if they offer oral conscious sedation or other remedies to help you overcome it. If not, find a dentist that does. On a related note, consider whether you trust and feel comfortable with your dentist. The more at ease you are with your dentist, the less anxiety you will feel in advance of and during checkups and procedures. Other tips to help you reduce your anxiety or fear of dental procedures include:
- Ask your dentist to specifically detail what they plan to do during an impending procedure. The more you know about what to expect, the easier you should find yourself capable of directly addressing your anxiety.
- If you have coping strategies you use to handle other anxieties, consider whether they can be used for dental procedures. This could be as simple as squeezing a stress ball or listening to calming music through your earbuds.
- Learn and practice meditation, deep breathing exercises, and other proven relaxation techniques for reducing anxiety.
Island Tower Dentistry has offered oral conscious sedation to its Southwest Florida area patients since its founding. Dr. Van Dyke and Dr. Whelen understand how stressful dental checkups and procedures can be for some patients. While oral health maintenance is their primary focus, they always strive to ensure the utmost in patient comfort. For all your dental needs in Marco Island, Florida, contact us today at 239-394-1004 for a consultation.